If You Could Go Anywhere : The perfect summer read for 2019

If You Could Go Anywhere : The perfect summer read for 2019, from the bestselling author - Toon Paige

Prvotřídní If You Could Go Anywhere : The perfect summer read for 2019, from the bestselling author - Toon Paige od kvalitní značky . SKU: 9781471179464 Zobrazit více »

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The brand new novel from the Sunday Times bestselling author Paige Toon. The perfect summer read for 2019! HOW DO YOU FIND WHERE YOU'RE GOING, IF YOU DON'T KNOW WHERE YOU'RE FROM . . . Angie has always wanted to travel. But at twenty-seven, she has barely stepped outside the small mining town where she was born. Instead, she discovers the world through stories told to her by passing travellers, dreaming that one day she'll see it all for herself. When her grandmother passes away, leaving Angie with no remaining family, she is ready to start her own adventures. Then she finds a letter revealing the address of the father she never knew, and realises instantly where her journey must begin: Italy. As Angie sets out to find the truth - about her family, her past and who she really is - will mysterious and reckless Italian Alessandro help guide the way? If You Could Go Anywhere : The perfect summer read for 2019, from the bestselling author - Toon Paige oblíbené značky - tento produkt koupíte po slevě za 239 . Ceny a dodací lhůty tlačíme stále dolů. Přejeme vám příjemné nakupování.

Další parametry If You Could Go Anywhere : The perfect summer read for 2019, from the bestselling author - Toon Paige

  • Název: If You Could Go Anywhere : The perfect summer read for 2019, from the bestselling author - Toon Paige
  • EAN: 9781471179464
  • Cena: 239
  • Dodací lhůta: 2 dnů

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If You Could Go Anywhere : The perfect summer read for 2019, from the bestselling author - Toon Paige

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If You Could Go Anywhere : The perfect summer read for 2019, from the bestselling author - Toon Paige co bereme od značky - tento artikl se na vás těší v neopakovatelné akci za 239 . Doporučujeme také ostatní produkty z nabídky e-shopu. Pokud máte rádi bezplatné poštovné, přidejte si do své objednávky zboží za více, jak 1500 Kč. Využijte nabídku dřív, než dojde ke zdražení.

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