Heroes Of the Frontier - Eggers Dave

Heroes Of the Frontier - Eggers Dave

Dnes jsme vybrali: Heroes Of the Frontier - Eggers Dave od kvalitního výrobce . SKU: 9780241979044 Zobrazit více »

Dostupnost: Skladem > 5 ks
299 Kč
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From the bestselling author of The Circle, a hilarious and heart-warming misadventure through modern America: it's time for the family vacation...Josie's life is falling apart - lawsuits raining down, her business down the drain and a feckless husband long gone - so she gathers up her two kids and lights out for the wilderness. The Alaskan wilderness, to be specific. This is a story about the trip of a lifetime. It involves one battered old RV, one highly sensitive eight year old boy, one fearless and hyperactive five year old girl, several forest fires, a large supply of pinot noir, and a deeply misguided sense of optimism. It may well be that things don't turn out quite as Josie expected - but then again, some of the best places in the world are found at the end of a road you didn't mean to take...Heroes of the Frontier is an uproariously funny portrait of modern America and the modern family, an entirely contemporary novel gleaming with Dave Eggers' trademark intelligence and originality. Heroes Of the Frontier - Eggers Dave co bereme od značky - tento hit můžete pořídit s neuvěřitelnou slevou za 299 . Výhodné ceny máme pro všechny zákazníky. Jasná úspora a k tomu spokojenost z nákupu, není proč váhat.

Další parametry Heroes Of the Frontier - Eggers Dave

  • Název: Heroes Of the Frontier - Eggers Dave
  • EAN: 9780241979044
  • Cena: 299
  • Dodací lhůta: 2 dnů

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Heroes Of the Frontier - Eggers Dave

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